What do you want your site to achieve?

Planning for your website is an important first step in getting the results you desire. Much of that planning will be conducted in conjunction with your web designer, however, before approaching a design company it pays to be prepared. When people first come to see us about a website they typically have three questions at…

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Get your Domain Name secured early in the process!

We were recently engaged to design a new logo and tag line for a company that had registered a new trading name. It was their plan to make the new name central to their marketing strategy. They loved the new brand and all was going swimmingly until they went to register the domain name. You…

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Umm, I tried to call but…

It’s a really simple thing, but I am never ceased to be amazed at how often business websites hide a contact phone number from potential customers. Why? My theory is a simple one; it hasn’t been thought through. Yep, plain old thoughtlessness! For me it boils down to a simple proposition. Do you want people…

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